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You can speak with Confidence, Power, and Ease!

Public Speaking Coaching and Training

Whether it’s making a sales presentation to close that deal, giving an effective powerpoint presentation, motivating your employees, or delivering that career-changing keynote speech, it’s all riding on your communication skills. It’s no longer a luxury to have effective speaking skills, it is essential.

Effective communicators provide an enjoyable and memorable experience for the listener, eliminate distracting verbal and non-verbal content, and deliver clear messages that demand action. Few of us naturally possess the skills, passion, and discipline to transmit our ideas with such clarity, charisma, and power. But with training and practice, virtually anyone can become such a communicator.

Communication matters. What are YOU saying?

You have what it takes. We can show you how!


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One-on-one coaching programs that will give you the skills you need to deliver clear, concise, and compelling messages. We have packages to fit wherever you are in your speaking ability, from the novice to the professional speaker.

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Public workshops designed to give you personal instruction to reach your own communication goals while having fun in a safe, supportive and highly effective setting.

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Become a Powerful, Persuasive Speaker — call MillsWyck Communications today


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Latest From Our Speaking Tips Blog

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Seating is limited as some classes are kept small, early registration is recommended. View upcoming workshops and register for an event.

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[fusion_text]Presentation Sin: The Practical Guide to Stop Offending (and Start Impressing) Your Audience

Presentation Sin: The Practical Guide to Stop Offending (and Start Impressing) Your Audience

Avoid the trap of presentation sins that are haunting most speakers. Get over 100 simple tips you can make to your communication skills that will easily turn you into a rock star on any size stage, whether you have an audience of one or one thousand.


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“I have a minor in Speech Communications that was earned by taking 60 hours of college level courses. That college level training didn’t come close to the practical skills I learned from Alan Hoffler’s Speaker Circle training at StepUp. I feel more comfortable and competent making presentations as a result of his training. I know I better represent StepUp and its mission when speaking to groups. And I have watched the entire Speaker Circle group transform their presentations from a series of “uh” and “so” to compelling and memorable stories. Without exception, I would recommend Alan Hoffler’s training workshops to anyone seeking improvement of their presentation skills.”
“I have been fortunate to work with Alan on several occasions and have always found his support to be exactly what I needed. His classes are outstanding and I recommend them to anyone who speaks for a living. The content is excellent and the classes are not only powerful but fun. Recently, I asked Alan to coach me in the writing of an important speech. He was not only supportive and generous with his time, but he also has amazing insight. His guidance helped make my speech much more powerful than anything I could have written on my own. Thanks Alan!”
I attended Alan’s 2-day “Powerful, Persuasive Speaking” workshop. Wow. I’ve taken several very good public speaking courses in the past, but Alan’s class brought it all together for me. It made things click. It was like watching magic as Alan coached the participants—every single person improved dramatically. And the skills taught benefited not only formal public speaking, but interviews, meeting facilitation, and everyday conversations. I highly recommend Alan Hoffler and MillsWyck Communications to experienced speakers, novice speakers, and everyone in between. I look forward to more coaching from Alan in the future!
Essential for your personal development. Do not fear the class. The atmosphere is very open to learning in a low stress environment.
This is an investment into your ability to influence people. You cannot begin to quantify the R.O.I.

Follow us on Twitter @MillsWyck


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