Reading Scripts

Reading Scripts

In my recent travels, I’ve discovered Presidential Libraries.  When I’m in a city with one, I chisel out half a day to visit.  There are officially 15 libraries. I’ve been to three so far, but would like to make the rounds to many more.  They are a fascinating look at...
Your First Words

Your First Words

My son’s first word was… “bye-bye”.  Maybe that’s two words.  Regardless, it seems like he was ready to leave even as he entered.  And he’s out on his own now.  Gone, but not forgotten.  My daughter’s first word was… “Daddy!”  There aren’t many moments that give...
The Problem with “Them”

The Problem with “Them”

You know, they say…  But who, exactly, are they? This has come up a bunch recently in prepping clients for big presentations.  It’s a huge problem in writing, and perhaps even more important in speaking.  But what is this?  And it? The indefinite pronoun. One of my...
Same Old Same Ol’

Same Old Same Ol’

There is an important change afoot in our world.  It affects you.  And I realized that the principles involved were worth sharing. First, the situation.  We are moving all of our backend systems and processes to a new server and method to support our new online...
New Year!

New Year!

It’s no secret that I love the New Years.  It’s a new opportunity.  A fresh start.  A reminder to leave behind the mistakes and problems of the past year.  It’s a chance to change.     This year I did something new, thanks to a friend/coach/mentor.  It’s a simple...

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