I love the hope a New Year brings.  I hate the realization that it seldom comes to pass.  I’ve spent the better part of the last quarter thinking about what I want to accomplish in 2010. 

In a discussion the other day, I asked bluntly, “What is a manager’s job?”  I had some ideas already, and none of them involved meetings. 🙂

The answer I got was lockstep with those thoughts.  “To make his/her people better.

As an independent, I’m not a manager, and I don’t think I’d enjoy being one.  I have enough trouble getting myself to do all the work that has to be done.  But I absolutely love making people better.  It is the very essence of my business and what gets me up day after day.  And it seems to be a great focus for 2010.

2009 ended with some great successes.  It seems that the last few groups of people I taught were just ripe for the lessons that I had to give them.  The results were wonderful, immediate, and life-changing.  I can’t wait for 2010 and next week to get underway and do it some more.  I had “life-changing” in some promotional materials and my copywriter made me take them out.  He said it was too abstract.  But that’s exactly what I want to do more of — changing lives.

Side note: If you are a manager, focus more on improving your underlings than getting them to “do” something.  You’ll be better, and your organization and the people you serve will be, too.

Side note #2: Making someone better involves a whole lot less of telling them what is wrong and a whole lot more of providing the tools to help them get it right.  

Side note #3: While it’s easy to get inspired to make others better, what are we doing to make ourselves better?  I have my list.  I want you to make one, too.

Make someone better.  Start with yourself.

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