The Most Important Thing

The Most Important Thing

On the first day of my son’s Tee Ball practice, dads and coaches shouted the immovable rule of baseball to anyone who would listen: “Keep your eye on the ball!”  It’s good advice for baseball players (and fans).  It’s good enough advice that it’s still given by...
A Happy Ending

A Happy Ending

Don’t look at the calendar.  It’s October.  October!?  Where did the time go?  For many of us, October means the fourth quarter is here.  Quotas.  The rush is on.  Throw in holidays, the changing weather, shorter days (for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere), the...
Stage Presence

Stage Presence

About the time you are reading this, I’ll be involved in a new project that includes being the emcee/host for a series of live seminars. This involves weaving video, introductions, live panelists, a little content, and audience participation into a cohesive hour on...
Independence Day – Going All In

Independence Day – Going All In

In America, we celebrate July 4th as Independence Day. That’s the day fifty-six rebels signed a document that meant they either fought and won or lost everything they had. Maybe a more proper label would be “All In Day”. No more wishing. No more hoping. No more...

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