
More from today’s Beyond Bullet Points presentation…Cliff did a live survey for the audience’s response as to what a “normal” (boring, bullet-drive) PPT presentation made them feel like.  About 80% of respondants enterred one of two...

So THAT’s what you’re trying to say

Been carrying on an email dialog with someone for the past few weeks about a topic near and dear to my heart.  He’s offering advice — I’m desparately looking for some.  It’s a matter of heart vs. fact vs. prudence vs. regret.  I’ve stated...

Make it short

Found myself with a dying cell phone battery, a lost mobile charger, and three phone calls to make the other day.  Began each conversation with something along the lines of “I’ve got thirty seconds of battery left, tell me ____”.  In another...

Do you have a one?

Spent the weekend helping the in-laws’ business. My job for an entire weekend — man a ticket booth and take money while giving out tickets. I rate this assignment as just above latrine duty. There just isn’t a nice way to say “six dollars,...

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